Sunday 2 January 2011

Project 340 or 365?

I haven't been able to sit down long enough so I could write on my blog.  After my last entry, days have been filled with family get together and yes holidays can be more hectic than work. 

The house is much quieter now and so is my mind.  Second day into the new year and my soul is faced with a blogger's dilemma.  To blog or not to blog.  Should I be blogging daily or intermittently?

It was you who have told me it wasn't what I blogged that got you interested.  It was how I blog.  I can make a trip to the grocers sound interesting, while another might have flown to the International Space Station as a space tourist and manage to make a dull story of it.

Oh and how very rude of me.  A very Happy New Year to you my dear friends and readers.  May you continue to choose the path which brings you meaning, joy and love.

I think a commitment to a number will be a good idea.  I haven't decided on that number but thanks to all of your support to Project 340, I know for sure I shall write from the heart.  I will endevour to write about what interests me and I know the chances are, it will interest you as well.

Give me another day to really think about the magic number and I shall reveal my commitment in my next post.

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