Friday 7 January 2011

Cigars - Hobby, Habit, Addiction?

A friend introduced me to this special treat and for someone like me who has never picked up a cigarette, I have no idea what to do whatsoever with the chunkier version of a cigarette!  My first encounter was given to nothing but the very best and it was a premium Cuban. 

My friend is cigar connoisseur who only take cigars on celebrated events or when the "mood" is right.  Cigars smoking for her would be considered as a hobby - a pricey one too.  Not sure I would go for that, but no harm trying I guess?

I tried puffing on one, had fun lingering curls of smoke hanging in the air and at half way, it went out.  This thing I was holding was so expensive, I dare not waste it so I have kept the unfinished cigar and reckoned if I ever find the right atmosphere, in the right mood to really fully enjoy it, I will light it up again.  Everyone at the party was so fearful that I might easily develop the habit or even an addiction of cigar smoking.   

I am glad to tell you confidently that it won't happen because as soon as I woke up the next day and discovered all my clothes, my leather wear were all engulfed with this most annoying smell of the coffin stick - that's enough damage to make me quit cold turkey!

Good try, but no thanks.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anti-cigarette, anti-cigar, anti-smoking!! >:(