Wednesday 20 February 2013

A Whimsical Look At Time

What would the world be without time?  I know one thing for sure, we will have one less phobia, as no one will suffer from chronomentro-phobia!

Righto.  The first thing that pops up in my head: many hotel lobbies would look much better I reckon.  Ever notice how all those clocks displaying the time in various cities of the world clutter up spaces?  Who ever reads them?  I suggest they invest in art instead!

Those who love sleeping would love this.  They would very much be using their body's circadian clock.  Imagine sleeping when tired and eating when hungry, not because it's, say, 11pm or lunch hour.   Party until thy want to, not until thy reached thy curfew.   Brilliant isn't it?

And because there will be no clock-in time, employees would arrive and leave at different hours, eliminating rush hour traffic.   Smashing.  

Comes examinations, students would take their own sweet time to answer questions.  I never think it makes much sense to cram everything we have learnt throughout the whole year into a few hours anyway.  

We could also lose ourselves in cyberspace.  No one could measure the amount of time I have been spending on Facebook or Facebook.  No one would never know when anyone would arrive for a dinner party.  Probably going to have to rely on instincts to decide when to serve party food.  

I was just taking TIME OFF for a whimsical look at the possible ways life would be more interesting without say, clocks.   
It is TIME to get back to reality.   About TIME to pay that bill and don't forget that tax return!

Sunday 17 February 2013

A Sneeze That Leave Her Cold

Coldness of the world got her to speak her mind about it, but instead of just spitting it out, she sneezes.  For her, it is impossible to sneeze without sounding (and appearing) ridiculous.  

As you grow, your jawline might change, your hair style will change and you can even change the way you hail a taxi but your sneezing style, it stays with you, for life.

The build-up and release of some sneezes is worth a book, I think.  For instance, there are those gentle sneezes that sound like birds, hardly get noticed.  There are some geniuses who seem to be able to swallow their sneezes, an envious style I cannot master.  Then we have the "achoo" variety - almost universal in its impact, something really honest about this and most people readily respond with a "bless you".  

And there's a type called a blast.  It begins with a contorted face, moves on to the shoulders shake and rolling eyes and sometimes, is given greater emphasis by the flapping arms, followed by the outburst.  This, sadly, is the category in which I belong - the kind that will cause bystanders to jump out of their skins and rush into bomb shelters.  

Oh well, I have been frank.  

What about yours? 

Friday 15 February 2013

Love Life, Not Stuff

What a heavy book to read on a long haul flight.  Not literally heavy like a dictionary, but the attempt to digest one of Nobel Prize winner Albert Camus' philosophical novels was.   

In The Stranger or The Outsider (L’Étranger), I found this interesting line from the book which I felt like sharing,

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”

The Carpenters pondered with a song even, did they not?  

"Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?"  

Well...they just do.  And may be we should stop asking why oh why and just get on with life.  I have obviously caught the bug from Camus. 

Let go of your sadness, give up the fight;  

Follow your madness, and take flight.

I know you are capable of.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Who's My Valentine?

Can't believe Christmas and new year celebrations have come and gone and the fact that I have not been blogging since last year, is just beyond me. 

I chose to write today, not to express how I am a Valentine’s Day acolyte, very much to the contrary, I never get excited about it weeks in advance the way I do with Christmas.  

I believe relationships are healthier when couples are romantic all year round and not just one day of the year.   Shouldn't just glorify romantic love on this day but all kinds of love. 

Sometimes the fact that I haven’t found that special someone yet brings up a fear that I’m not loved.  I do have a date today and have rediscovered a guy who loves me.  He just happens to be my dad.  Worth all the ink isn't it?

No romances with lashings of extravagant meal nor sumptuous fine wine tonight (no sexy talks either).  But love is all around. 

Happy Valentine's Day to all you fine people!