Saturday 29 October 2011

Staining Whites

Red wine, coffee, chocolate - all good things until they land on your favourite white blouse or jeans.

I spill all the time.  I am particularly aware of that situation whenever I am on light-coloured clothing.  No matter how careful I am whenever I eat or drink, I still manage to stain clothes on a regular basis.  Please tell me I am not alone!

White clothing tends to transcend the trends don't they?   Well, not any more as I have found this instant stain remover "Tide To Go" in the size of a marker pen that has worked wonders.

We know we don't want to let that stain get too comfortable and the best chance of getting it out is to tackle it as soon as it happened.  I have applied the product as soon as I noticed the stain, and even if I can’t completely remove the grime, the pre-op made it much easier to remove before it made its way to a washing machine.

I've tried it.  The security it provides is worth the extra space in my handbag.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Interesting Auto-Replies

I know I have not been blogging in the last few weeks and people are getting tired of seeing my auto-reply with my extended absence.  I have just got to say that I also get to read some pretty interesting auto-replies lately.   

A colleague responded to my email with an auto-reply that says something in the tune of: 

“I’m traveling to xyz and I’m not available to answer your message at the mo. Don’t be offended as I am not even reading mail from my family members!”


In my very humble opinion, this is just not acceptable.  I mean, what could these people possibly be doing that necessitates ignoring their family members like that?  What's more, it was just plain stupid outlying the fact to the recipients your lower than low prioritising skills, isn't it?

Family members are only with us for a short time on earth.  It’s a cliché.  

Somehow people just don’t get it.  

At the end of your life, will you regret not working more or not being there for your loved ones more?

Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Amazing Colours Of The Fall

The red maple leaf, whether on a tree or on the Canadian flag, seems to to have grown to become synonymous with the Canadian nation.


The changing fall foliage never fails to delight me.  As my friend and I were marvelling the nature's beauty in the land of Maples, I can't help but wonder how maple leaves turn red and where and when the vibrant yellow and orange will help herald a change of season from summer to fall.

So this is how - bringing you back to a bit of grade 8 horticulture biology. 

When winter days are short and dry, many plants stop making nutrients and the chlorophyll in them which gives the leaves the green colour goes away.  That is how orange and yellow emerge.  These colours have always been in the leaves all summer just that the green has them covered up.  Some leaves turn red and this colour is only made in the fall from the nutrition trapped whereas brown colours basically come from wastes left in the leaves.

After a wonderful week of nice warm temperatures, fall is slowly making its way here.  One of my favourite things about this season is feeling the cool but warm breeze on my face in the afternoon or right before the sun is setting.  

The chill is definitely in the air now, with it comes shorter days and the promise of Thanksgiving and Halloween right around the corner, which means Christmas won't be too far fetched too.

There really is nothing quite matches the anticipation of autumn after a hot summer.  Consider yourself fortunate if you are living in one of the temperate zones on earth where you get Autumn.  Let's enjoy a season filled with change.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Are You Blessed Today?

I woke up on this special morning - (numerically special because it is 9/10/11) having more health than illness, I thought to myself: I am more blessed than the many who will not survive this week.   I mean I can find food in the refrigerator, roof overhead, a comfortable place to sleep last night. 

I also have money in the bank and in my wallet, got a job, my parents are still alive and with those, I am considered very rare - in the United States.  I am rich in fact.

Let's just say you can hold up your head with a smile on your face and greet your neighbours good day, you are blessed because the majority can, but most just will not do it.

I am not saying all this because I am on vacation and feeling great.  I am thankful because I can have the opportunity to sit back on this thanksgiving day in Canada and translate that thought into words.  The fact that you can read this now, you are more blessed than over the two billion people in the world that cannot.

If I am saying anything at thankful always and have a great day!

Thursday 6 October 2011

Pay Tribute To Steve Jobs

I would like to talk about my day today. 

My alarm was set off at 0700 sharp and that was when I woke up and started my day.  Not knowing what clothes were appropriate to wear, I took a quick glance at the weather forecast.   Over breakfast, I caught up with my emails while pulling up files ready for the next appointment feeling extremely efficient. 

Half way through the morning, I checked in to follow some news threads, replied a few Whatsapp and Pingchat messages, performed an online check-in for my flight tomorrow and off I went to Napa Valley for a wine tour that I have been looking forward to. 

It was a really pleasant day with sunshine after rain and it was the most scenic of all, en route to the valley.  I couldn't help but snapped a few photos in the car and I couldn't wait to brag about it by sharing one or two with my friends on Facebook. 

The wine tour was splendid.  I took lots of useful wine notes during the various tastings and needless to say, plenty of beautiful shots to help me remember where I went and what I drank.

Steve Jobs has technically enabled and sentimentally fulfilled my day.  To the extent in which much of what I use to manage my tasks listed above and much of the emotions involved - exist on the platforms his company has created.

There have been many compliments to the man, his ideas and his achievements over the past day or so on the Internet.   I want to pay tribute to him by saying how his life’s work has played a crucial part in helping me - craft my life’s work.

The best way to honour his memory is for me to press on doing just that: my life’s work.  

And thanks to his vision - I can do that a lot more efficiently and effectively than I could have without it.


Monday 3 October 2011

Lucky To Have You Mom

Even though I am a grown adult, I realised it is still mother's advice that puts my indecisiveness at bay.

There are things that I don't ever dare tell her, but whenever I do need some advice on stuff, I can be rest assured to just knock on her door and talk, chat, speak, jabber, natter.

The fact that I have someone trustworthy that I can turn to is a truly a blessing. 

Go thank these people now, whether it is your folks or your friends.   Trust me, you don't want to leave it too late.