Saturday 29 October 2011

Staining Whites

Red wine, coffee, chocolate - all good things until they land on your favourite white blouse or jeans.

I spill all the time.  I am particularly aware of that situation whenever I am on light-coloured clothing.  No matter how careful I am whenever I eat or drink, I still manage to stain clothes on a regular basis.  Please tell me I am not alone!

White clothing tends to transcend the trends don't they?   Well, not any more as I have found this instant stain remover "Tide To Go" in the size of a marker pen that has worked wonders.

We know we don't want to let that stain get too comfortable and the best chance of getting it out is to tackle it as soon as it happened.  I have applied the product as soon as I noticed the stain, and even if I can’t completely remove the grime, the pre-op made it much easier to remove before it made its way to a washing machine.

I've tried it.  The security it provides is worth the extra space in my handbag.

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