Thursday 6 October 2011

Pay Tribute To Steve Jobs

I would like to talk about my day today. 

My alarm was set off at 0700 sharp and that was when I woke up and started my day.  Not knowing what clothes were appropriate to wear, I took a quick glance at the weather forecast.   Over breakfast, I caught up with my emails while pulling up files ready for the next appointment feeling extremely efficient. 

Half way through the morning, I checked in to follow some news threads, replied a few Whatsapp and Pingchat messages, performed an online check-in for my flight tomorrow and off I went to Napa Valley for a wine tour that I have been looking forward to. 

It was a really pleasant day with sunshine after rain and it was the most scenic of all, en route to the valley.  I couldn't help but snapped a few photos in the car and I couldn't wait to brag about it by sharing one or two with my friends on Facebook. 

The wine tour was splendid.  I took lots of useful wine notes during the various tastings and needless to say, plenty of beautiful shots to help me remember where I went and what I drank.

Steve Jobs has technically enabled and sentimentally fulfilled my day.  To the extent in which much of what I use to manage my tasks listed above and much of the emotions involved - exist on the platforms his company has created.

There have been many compliments to the man, his ideas and his achievements over the past day or so on the Internet.   I want to pay tribute to him by saying how his life’s work has played a crucial part in helping me - craft my life’s work.

The best way to honour his memory is for me to press on doing just that: my life’s work.  

And thanks to his vision - I can do that a lot more efficiently and effectively than I could have without it.


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