Saturday 1 January 2011

New Year Resolution for A

Turn of a decade and I was going to write about new year resolutions for alampy's space, for myself...then I realised Apple over-ruled the headlines on the first day of 2011, so I decided new year resolutions for alampy's space can wait, the new year resolution for Apple, cannot. 

First there was the signal issue, which Apple said was not a hardware issue but software, then there was 'reinventing video calling' which is restricted to Wi-Fi use and there are many Wi-Fi cross platform solutions already available, followed on by the lack of information about the White iPhone 4.  

How do you feel about that pricey gadget of yours not being able to do the simple task such as setting an alarm? 

This sounds worse than the millennium bug back in 2000 and surely not good enough for a company as big as Apple where they have some of the most dedicated aficionados in the world who spend a fortune on Apple products!

Who knows what other surprise(s) they have installed for the million users out there.  Only time will tell.

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