Sunday 9 January 2011

Walk Fast, Live Longer?

I know people with long legs can walk fast (naturally true).
I also heard that people with long legs run fast (theoretically possible).

I don't know if it is true scientifically because I don't fall into any of these 2 categories yet I have heard many times my friends who walked along with me have to remind me to slow down.

According to a report I came across online in, people who walked 1 meter per second (about 2.25 mph) or faster consistently lived longer than others of their age and sex who walked more slowly! 

Right, I know what you are thinking.  Nope, going out and start walking faster now, does not necessarily mean you will suddenly live longer though!  Apparently, our body chooses the walking speed that is best for us, and that is our speed, our health indicator.   

May be I am so used to walking at my pace, alone.  

I shall have to adjust my speed, when I am not walking - alone.  

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