Sunday 24 January 2010

Project 340

People often say that their whole lives flashed before their eyes after they experienced a traumatic event. Perhaps it’s a bit morbid, but I think that sounds pretty incredible.

It is coming to the 25th day into the new year, and after some serious dreading and procrastinating, I have come up with a project plan.  Yes, a plan.  

A project to take a picture each day, write something about it and then post it somewhere.

Ok...the plan has just been adjusted as I type.  I decided to start from tomorrow so I can literally call it Project 340, instead of 341!

As photo uploading gets easier and camera phones get smarter, I am thinking, giving myself such a project that requires me to commit to this degree isn't that bad, right?

I must say the movie Julie & Julia was where this idea tripped my trigger, it's time to get documenting!

340 and counting!


Anonymous said...

It's a big commitment!! But ADD OIL! ADD OIL!! can't wait to be one of the followers to your photo+comment til the 340th day! ;)

BY said...

Ok... as I've said I'll have a parallel project 340 to drop a comment for every blog you posted, I need to backdate and start with this one. Go all the way, girl!