Saturday 30 January 2010

Regrets I have a few

I did something that I regret, or precisely, I should say, I didn't do something and therefore I am regretting big time right now.

And it is not the first time.

When I packed for my trip, I was contemplating whether to bring my 70-300mm and the standard 50mm, along with the 17-40mm.

At first, I pulled out the 70-300mm as I thought that would be unnecessary.  Guess the last minute, even the 50mm was withdrawn!  Tripod was totally out of the picture from the beginning of course, and guess what went in my rucksack instead? A brolly!

Yes, a brolly.  I heard you laughed.

That was where it all went wrong.  If weight was my concern, why would I bring a brolly which you knew I won't use in this sort of weather anyway.  I must be out of my mind!

I think I have to face the fact that if I am ever going to be serious about photography, I should be prepared to be bogged down by weights.

I am going to carry EVERYTHING with me next time, so this disappointed look of mine won't happen again!

1 comment:

BY said...

Oh, I know how you feel, but I don't empathize with you at all. What were you thinking to pack a brolly for a holiday? You're more auntie than I can ever imagine. I don't even carry a brolly in my bag in my first 38 yrs of life! I only put one in when I move to HK because I have to walk so much, and it can rain whole day, and I don't drive. Ok... I shall not rub it in.

Here comes the positive, supportive me:

Hey... don't fret over what you can't take without your lenses, but focus on what you can take with whatever little equipment you have. Afterall, one key aspect of photography is about "capturing your viewpoint using pictures" and it's your visual that matters, right? This can sound philosophical, but isn't this what life is? We tend to lament on things we do not have and forget to appreciate the things that we have around us. Enjoy the rest of the days without your 70-300mm and your 50mm. Love your 17-40mm and bring out the best of it!
