Wednesday 27 January 2010

My Midnight Snack

They look like sour cream and onion potato chips, but they are not.  They are Seaweed and salt potato chips from Calbee - my midnight snack to keep me sane through a 5-hour long webcast.

Here's my pic of the day - to commemorate this special day when Oracle Corporation (NASDAQ: ORCL) finally announced it had completed its acquisition of Sun Microsystems, Inc.  The day when Sun set to be Oracle's.  

And yes, there were bigger chips in the bag, but all gone in the last 10 mins into the webcast, way before I remembered to take photo as my pic of the day. 

1 comment:

BY said...

Kudos to you for tuning in to the 5-hour webcast at such insane hours. Three cheers for Audrey - hip hip hurray! hip hip hurray! hip hip hurray!

Next time, munch on healthier snacks at such wee hours, like celery, carrots, cucumber.... ok ok, who am I fooling? I don't do that myself, I go for tortilla chips or bitter-sweet chocolate pocky :-)