Saturday 16 October 2010

Definition of A Good Time

Just like “fun” or “good food”, it means different things to different people.  Take good food as an example - if you want a great meal, you can't go very wrong by grabbing your Michelin guide and shouldn't be that difficult to find a restaurant and enjoy a palatable meal. 

There are bigger questions about what constitutes a good meal. What is THE emotional definition of good food?  What emotional values does a tasty meal draw out from you?  Love? Family bonding? A celebration?

For me, good food exists only when I have the time and attention to enjoy it.  My definition of good food is simple: having the time to enjoy a meal and a good time with loved ones.  

Nice meal and a good wine: definition of a good time!  

What's yours?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Michelin-starred restaurants are of course good, but I hate all the dressing up and the too attentive sevices. So for me... either lovely homecook meal with love one or noisy local 大排檔 with large family! ;)