Thursday 7 October 2010

Conquering the Acrophobia in Me

I want to be able to climb a ladder and change the light bulbs in the ceiling - without the fear of falling down.

I want to be able to stand next to the window pane and look down into the streaming traffic from a skyscraper - without feeling giddy.

I would like to be able lean on a balcony railing - without a weakened knee.  

I wish to enjoy a breath-taking view from my friend's apartment (on a freaking 69th floor) - without saying I wish I could suck in that spectacular landscape.  

The fear of heights has silently kicked in from a few years back.  I have no idea what caused this fear in the first place, but it has intervened and is starting to get in the way of life. 

I mean...did something happen to me as a child?  Did I fall from a high place, or witness someone else fall?   I can't recall but it is something I really want to conquer.

I have just decided I am going to work one little step at a time.  May be I shall try staring down from my 28th floor flat each day for say, a few seconds and see how that goes?

How am I going to do this when even typing this sentence out is making my palm sweat a bit!

If you have any better suggestions, I would die to hear from you.

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