Thursday 30 December 2010

Heart Felt Thanks To You All

I am not going to let 2010 expire without thanking you - my blog readers, friends and family for the countless encouragements and support to alampy's space throughout the year.

I set sail at the beginning of 2010 with Project 340, making a pledge to virtually everyone I met, had myself committed in writing a piece a day and share it via my blog. 

I might have lagged behind up to a week's posts due to travels and lack of ideas but...I managed to catch up with my appearances, not missing a single day. 

What a ride it has been but the point is - I did it.

I am grateful for all your candid comments - the good, the bad and the ugly that you have expressed via different means. I must also thank the silent readers as well, who I know will forever remain silent. 

There is so much work yet to be done on my blog and it is all of you - who made me realise what I write has to be relevant and of value to the world.  And for that to happen I must first form an opinion of the world.  That I must observe the world closely and steadily as it spins, with a mind open to change.

Having said that though, I must learn to shorten my sentences as it can appear rather clumsy in times.  I know.  I know.

What I really meant in plain English is: we have to live in the world we are living in.  And it is indeed all of you who made my world spin, made me appreciate my life which is so worth living for. 

Much of my joy and satisfaction derived this year has been from the resonance of my own writings.  In 2011, I will let that joy of mine touch more people and my writing make a difference to my readers in a positive way.

Though I may concentrate on quality of the posts rather than regularity of the postings, you haven't gotten rid of me yet.  I shall improve myself and continue writing I must.  Feel free to check in everyday or on occasion.  I will be here.  

You have heard it thousand of times, but allow me to wish you a happy, contented and fruitful year ahead!


Rimi Das said...

I surely look forward to your blogs..always something to look out for in your blogs very inspiring some of them indeed...Keep the great work going in 2011 as well... shall always look forward to ur blogs...and wish you too a great 2011

Anonymous said...

Well Done alampy! ;)
Thank you for sharing your ups and downs and views and experiences!! Writing blogs has obviously become part of your life, but reading your blogs has become part of many others!!! Are we expecting a full Project 365 in 2011 or something different? ;) sorry of being greedy and demanding, but I'm sure you'll find ways to make us think, make us laugh and make us jealous! ;)

Anonymous said...

My Friend! You keep your promise and you did it. I am proud of you. Keep it up. You can make another 365 or even more like 3650.

you can do more than that! i know you can.... don't waste it.