Thursday 23 December 2010

Start Believing Your Mirrors

Lately, I have had Turkey, Ham, Salads, Duck, Chicken, Steak and for desserts I had Pavlova, Caramel Trifle Mousse, Chocolate Truffles and various cakes.

I let myself over-eat occasionally particularly in festive seasons because I believe that indulgence has an important place in life.  Nuts for instance, are a big part of holiday celebrations, whether it’s pecan pie, chestnut stuffing or just a handful of cashews, peanuts grabbed at the parties.

I am nuts - and I can go non-stop when it comes to nuts which means all that calories intake is going to roll over!

Confession time:  I have eaten A LOT ...probably too much.

Ought to start throwing in a few extra walks and also

- start believing the mirrors in front of me before it's too late!

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