Wednesday 29 December 2010

Must You Keep Living In The Past?

Imagine this for a second:  You are alone on a dusty stage in a dark theatre.  You are wearing costumes that no longer fit you with the buttons all popped.  The play has been adjourned, all other players have left and you are all by yourself with the curtains' down.

What a sad and derelict scene this is!

Holding on to the past is like trying to breathe life into a play which is closed - struggling to raise the curtain in a dark theatre, on a dusty stage, by ourselves.

It is like a brutal attack on ourselves, because we become, on this stage, both the victim and the attacker.

Most often than not, the past is not holding us but we are the one's holding it.  And why do we do it?

It is because wanted to feel safe, wanted and worthwhile. We are constantly hanging on to that love in that past, a cry that was not answered, a happy childhood perhaps, that lover who has left, that job to validate us.

All we have to do really, is to let go, turn around and walk away.  Something we all must master in order to stride for the better.

How about making it as one of your new year resolutions for 2011?  It is a challenge but it is about time I add this to mine.  

1 comment:

Rimi Das said...

Loved what you have written and something I need to implement in my life thanks for writing this ...this is like a wake up call to me in the dawn of a new decade...