Monday 20 December 2010

Jamie, Where Are You?

Just been reading the Daily Mail, saying Jamie Oliver's latest cook book "30-Minute Meals", is the fastest-selling non-fiction book ever.

The biggest selling book ever, remains to be the Bible which sells around 100 million copies per year.

Let's hope the lovely jubbly Naked Chef doesn't start mucking around declaring he's "more popular than Jesus"!

And by the way, he has announced wicked plans in summer 2009 to whack his new line of Italian restaurants in Asia - with Hong Kong as his first stop.

I ain't seeing no pots or pans in here yet Jamie, and my excitement has simply gone from over the moon to luke warm now.  

Ahoy, what have you been doin' mate?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guilty as charged! ;) Got a copy myself and watched some of the series on TV as well... will try out a few later in the holiday...