Sunday 12 December 2010

Welcome To The Information Age

As part of my job, it is vitally important that I keep up to date with relevant information as and when it happens. This can be a craze as the amount of information out there is huge and growing, while the channels through which they are delivered are proliferating just as much.

Since getting my iPhone 4, I have noticed that I am using this device to access information at least as much, if not more, than I use my PC at home.  I keep a folder in my bookmarks toolbar on Firefox and over coffee first thing in the morning, I use the ‘Open All in Tabs’ command at the bottom of the folder, I then check out each tab to give me a snapshot of what is going on.

I rely heavily on RSS feeds and personally consider this my best source of information, as I have the habit of categorizing my feeds and I highly recommend Google Reader.  When I find a post that is too long to read right away, or that I want to refer back to in the short term future, I can save it easily read it later.

This is basically how I breathe through the tsunami of information that confronts us in this information age on a daily basis.  And I am finding it is not quite enough. 

What about you?  Do you have tips on how you are coping with the firehose of data that is coming your way?

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