Sunday 24 April 2011

You Find Noise Or Let Noise Find You?

We often make a very personal decision on how to find, filter and understand information in order to help us live our lives in this complex world.
And we do so very subconsciously in the way we sift through the content and context created by the maze of interactions around us.


Here's a question to think about:

  1. Do you tune into one single frequency and manually switch-on the others when you need to, or 
  2. Are you more likely to have several frequencies switched on concurrently and then filter as and when you received them?

Three of us were debating over dinner how much noise is “too much” for one to withstand and how our abilities differ when trying to distill different frequencies around us.  

Two out of three are happy to dig through a fair amount of noise to find great signals and one of us is more inclined to stay focus.

Goals, interests and personal styles obviously are shaping the same difference.  Personally, I like to keep things simple.  I do not feel the need to read everything that pops through my filters.  If it’s important enough, it will find me again eventually.  Agree?


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