Wednesday 20 April 2011

Got Any Fair Trade Coffee?

While coffee drinking is becoming popular and with the price per cup steadily going up, you would be surprised to hear many coffee farmers are actually becoming more impoverished, running into debt and are at the verge of losing their land due to extremely low world coffee prices. 

That is mainly because coffee giants alike have not lowered consumer prices but are pocketing the difference, even taking into account the quality premiums in the specialty industry.

I got reminded by a friend about supporting Fair Trade Coffee.  I mean, within the context of making a daily purchase, I don't feel an internal resistance when paying a little extra to support a cause I agree with.  As opposed to the frame of mind I have when I am asked to make a charitable donation to a national or local non-profit.

Food for thought when you are enjoying your next brew.  How about looking at the option for a pot of fair trade coffee? 

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