Friday 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding Frenzy

The talk-of-town for the week to come no doubt will be Prince William's wedding, the exceptionally fabulous gown of Kate's and inevitably - the Prince's growing bald spot.   

How I wish people would leave the Prince's baldness the heck alone!  Sure, he's losing his hair awfully early, but it's not like he needed it and it's not like he's growing a third ear (or his dad's ears) or something really scary.

As I glued myself to the TV and sat poised to watch the guests arrive for the wedding, two things flashed my mind.  1. How a life of a pauper commoner got transformed into a fairy tale with a lovingly ending marrying the King-to-be.   2.  Prince William always reminded me of the Late Princess Diana and I can't help but feel how perfect it would be if she was still around to witness this royal event of the century.  

I tell you what else could be destined to be in the spotlight in days to come - the one hat worn by Princess Beatrice.   

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