Thursday 2 September 2010

Kids These Days

One day, a father suggested to the family at the dining table that they should all rotate and try putting his younger baby to bed as the poor little one has not been sleeping too well and in need of a new strategy.  His 3-year old son pondered for a while and says,

"Daddy...but I'm not strong enough.

Daddy, expected a response from mummy and the maid, but not from him!  The kid was seriously thinking about taking part as well!   Then he adds,

"But may can get me a ladder," (for climbing up to the crib).

You definitely can't fault him for trying.  

While at school, the same kid was given newspapers to read, and in it, a piece of news showed a picture with an escalator.  They were asked what happened. 

"The kid was wearing Crocs! That's why his foot got stuck!"

And I have heard numerous stories similar to these so definitely not just 1 or 2 distinguished kids we are talking about, it's kids in general these days.  

Makes you wonder shamefully what you were doing when you were at that age, does it not?

I don't know about you, but I was surely a log of wood or some sort of tofu (if you think it's a bit more cuddly) back then.

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