Saturday 4 September 2010

Back To Old Skool

Graduating from pencils to ink in elementary was a really big deal. It was also the time when you started carrying a binder full of looseleaf - along with your biros, rubbers and what not. 

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, feel free to skip this entry, kid!

Right, probably half the population has been eliminated.  

For those who stayed and read on, do you remember that one particular semester when the erasable biro from Papermate came to scene with the miraculous erasing feature?  EVERYONE just had to have their very own erasable biro.  I treated mine like it was special and refused to chew on it when algebra got boring!

Ok, why go old-school all of a sudden?  It is because I was in a stationary shop earlier today and I had no idea they still sell abrasive rubbers these days! 

I would have thought this is such a thing of the past and that everyone uses correction fluids or tapes.

Obviously that's not quite the case and now, I don't feel that far off from my school days plus...a decade younger! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Graduating from pencils to ink.. yes, that was sooo nostalgic and I can remember myself really looking forward to it.

In SGP, we only move to ink when we go onto Primary 3 (9 yrs old), and that's my little milestone, I felt I had grown up. The 2nd milestone was when I turned 12 and finally got my identity card. I don't know why I was so obsessed with having my own ID card. I ended up remembering every older person's ID card number in my family before I got mine. i.e. I knew my dad's, mom's, elder sis's ID card no. by heart, till now. And I can never remember my little sis's, 'cos by her time, I didn't feel the need to remember anyone's ID card no. anymore :-)