Sunday 5 September 2010

Bank Notes: Re-designed

My uncle was complaining the other day about mistakenly regarded a 500 dollar note as a 100, blindly giving away 400 to a cab driver.  He said at 80 years of age, it is just very difficult for him to distinguish the different denominations of bank notes. 

I am looking at my pile of United States Dollars in front of me, thinking he should be real glad he's not living in the States!

Unlike the Euro banknote or the British Pound Sterling, US dollar bills have long been having the same width and height - from One Dollar to 100.  

I think almost every other country I have been in the world but the United States, accommodates its sight-less and the visually impaired citizens by either printing denominations of different sizes or by altering the surface of the bills with tactile identifiers. 

Do you think Obama can change this?


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