Tuesday 28 September 2010

The Hairy Season

It's that time of the year again!

We have waited longingly for 11months to finally able to dig in, crack, suck, slurp and savour the sweet delicate meat and the roe of these adorable crustaceans.

Everyone in our family thinks they are absolutely the most "crabulous" thing to have and we are all salivating as the season for eating the legendary hairy crab is fast upon us.

Each year, my father would repeatedly show off how he picks the best of the best in the gang and I thought it would be nice to share his tips with you.  

Just remember the words:  BE  FRESH 

Belly - clean and white belly
Eye - black beady eyes (he would poke their eyes to test them when the shopkeeper ain't looking)

Flesh - has to be firm and not mushy
Reputation - only buy from reputed outlets, Taihu Lake has the best ones
Entirety - don't buy any with broken claws or when a leg is found missing
Sex - eat female in September, followed by male in October
Hair - golden, straw colour even before scrubbing

Some are telling me restaurants will do all the dirty work, but hey...I say....why let them have all the fun?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never try them! :'(
My mum doesn't like crabs so never eat them when I was little... and now I'm tied with a job which means I can't have time off during their best season....