Sunday 8 May 2011

What A Parent Wants To Hear

I hope this isn't true to any of you but to some, I know Mothers' Day each year is like an alarm clock that gets us to reflect how badly we have treated our mothers during the year and the day itself can be seen as a perfect opportunity to make good to them.

I know all along that my mother's unconditional love is the greatest thing that has happened to me, but to see my classmates become mothers themselves, magnifies the whole significance of it all.   

Many of them really demonstrates virtues of a good parent and I think that achievement more or less, ought to be attributed to their own parents.  

After all, I think the best thing you can tell any mother is to let her know she has successfully raise and taught her child in becoming a good parent.

It's never too late to let her know that (wherever she is now) - if you haven't already.


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