"The world is my classroom, each day is a new lesson and everyone I meet is my teacher."
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Did He Say Judgement Day Is Today?
As forecast by an 89 year-old California evangelical broadcaster, Harold Camping, he claims that at the arrival of the Judgement Day on May 21, the Earth would be wrenched in a great earthquake and many inhabitants would perish in the coming months.
Hours ticked by and I don't see no sign of Judgment Day arriving on Saturday (Sunday my local time now). How about we let Arnold perform The Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (1991) again to get real?
Guess the world is now trying to make sense of his failed pronouncement, but since Camping previously made a failed prediction which he was so certain that Jesus Christ would return to Earth in 1994, I am thinking may be this doom day thing could well be a mis-calculation as well?!
But in any case, we should always live as if we have never lived and treat each day as our last with no regrets.
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