Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Okinawans

Did you know the Okinawans are known for their longevity?

To be precise, there are five times as many Okinawans live to be 100 years old than the rest of Japan.  And the Japanese are the longest lived nationality in the world.

An evening juxtaposing between the sweetness from Okinawa's sweet potatoes and the bitterness from their bitter melons, I was hoping there was a hint or two to be discovered from the islanders' very interesting low-fat and highly nutritious diet.

There is definitely something worth trying - at least so you can say you have, and at most because you might even like it!  

It is the Umi-budo, or green caviar.  It tastes extremely briney but you are almost guaranteed to have freshness gushes into your mouth when you pop a few of those crunchy little pearls. 

A big novelty featured in the restaurant but this is stuff that the indigenous Okinawans can get to quite handily.  Lucky them.  

Considered the fact that I didn't even have to travel all the way to Okinawa to savour the caviar - Lucky me too!

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