Wednesday 7 July 2010

Wish I Had Sherlock Holmes' Power of Observation

I once came across a wise man who told me
"Vision is the art of seeing things invisible to others."

What a perspective!

Don't you wonder why some people see things differently when we all got a pair of eyes?  One of the strangest things about us human is the way we have to unconsciously ignore most of the information available to our senses. 

Think about your day today, I am sure you have to be blind to most of what you see and deaf to most of what you hear simply because, that helped you get by your day, or else you would probably be too overwhelmed by today's data-driven society. 

Unfortunately there is a flip side to that.  The fact that we are so in the habit of not looking, of not hearing, of not noticing, we are missing a great deal of very important stuff.  More so when it comes to our increasingly complex work environment, where office politics and competing personalities can leave us baffled and floundering.

I saw this book in the bookstore today "The Noticer: Sometimes, All a Person Needs is a Little Perspective" by Andy Andrews.

"When we notice things about ourselves and other people that allow us all to regroup, 
take a breath, and begin our lives again, the best is surely yet to come. "

From New York Times Bestselling Author

May be just the book I need to get closer to Sherlock Holmes' power of observation?  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I count on you to offer me a different perspective... like i'm a potential perfectionist. This is something new to me.