Saturday 17 July 2010

White Cherries

The thing is, they don't really look real.  Until, that is, you take a bite.

Cherries are one of the joys of summer and White cherries are one of those things you come across very occasionally at markets, right about this time of the year.  I have always had the perception that the other, black or dark purple ones are better, sweeter, intenser.

For the first time, I tasted some shiny, blushing white cherries last night and I discovered my perception has been totally wrong all these years!

Tasting the black and white cherries one after another, it was very clear that the white was my pick. A slightly softer texture on the skin, tasted a bit more refreshing with a tad lower in acidity.
So exquisite. Just too lovely. 
Why haven't I discovered this earlier?

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