Saturday 29 May 2010

What is it about LEGO?

For those who knew me since young age, you'd know LEGO bricks have long been my favourite toy at home.  

All these years of playing with these Danish plastic blocks has nonetheless taught me a thing or two regarding - directions.

First, it taught me how to 1) follow directions - when I think about it now, it appears as real handy training material for assembling IKEA furniture, helpful in making sure your table won't fall apart!

It also taught me how to 2) discard directions -  i.e. build something creatively from scratch, tear it down and put some order into the chaos again.  It is terribly similar to re-writing rejected project proposals at work isn't it?

I recently came across some of the LEGO projects at my friend's house and started reminiscing this good old pastime.  Till this day, I still blame my mother for donating all my LEGO sets when I went boarding.  I think my love affair with this coal for the imaginative fire, will never cease to die.

Are you with me?


Anonymous said...

TOTALLY!! Monkeys love LEGO too!! ;)

Siufaye said...
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