Thursday 6 May 2010

Define: Wine Pairing

While I was doing some homework preparing for an Italian wine pairing dinner which I have been looking forward to all week, I came across this sublime description of wine pairing that I must jot down in record immediately in here before that got slipped out from the back of my brain compartment.  (Inevitable after several glasses no doubt).

"Food and wine pairing is like two people having a conversation: 

One must listen while the other speaks or the result is a muddle".
First of all, this is such a romantic way of describing it for a starter.  And to the point, this brings to my attention that either the food or the wine is in fact the dominant focus of the pairing, with the other serving as a complement to enhance the enjoyment of the first.

This might help explain why in times, the harder we try to bring to perfection with both, the more unsatisfactory the result of the pairing can be.

I think this description is a golden rule that fits to a tee - definitely worth putting in your pocket.  

Second thoughts, this is not only applicable to wine pairing, to relationships in general too.

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