Monday 5 April 2010

Coffin Sticks

If you ask any regular smokers, none of them would say the tobacco packaging warning messages have ever deterred them from having a puff, a drag, a fag, whatever you like to call the ordeal. 

Whenever I returned from my trip, I would get my dad some cigarettes from the duty-free shop at the airport. 

This move has always been a tough dilemma.  I mean, they are called "Coffin Sticks" for a reason and yet, I thought, if he's going buy those at whatever price anyway, why not help him purchase at a cheaper price when I can?

This time, I got him this pack here which says "Smoking Harms Your Family".  

It suddenly strikes me that this warning message is meant for smokers and also for non-smokers too - such as buyers who buy coffin sticks for his/her family!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I refuse to buy any for anyone.