Tuesday 30 November 2010

Have You Got What It Takes?

Julie and Julia was a lovely movie I caught in cinema in exactly a year ago and, a year later, I watched it again on DVD.

The plot is all about food, cooking and blogging.  It was indeed this movie which prompted me to start my Blogging Project 340.  

A year on, it is still a movie about food, cooking and blogging - which I am doing. 

I got a bit more out of it this time, seeing it as living life in real, about deriving joy and it's all about love.   It finally boils down to sharing love and joy with someone matters to you.

As I watched, I can't stop but wonder, if I don't have someone that truly matters to me to share with me my joy and love, does it mean I am not living a life?

I think it is as simple as that.  

If you are ever in that situation - you are screwed.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... are you ok? Looks like a drink is needed.