Thursday 25 November 2010

Feeling Like A Million

When do you feel like a million?  If the answer is when you win the million-dollar lotto, then it could sadly be a forever wait.

I recently flipped through this book, the author says that if someone is a good listener, he or she stands a higher chance of winning the hearts and minds of others, making others feel pretty much like a million bucks. 

Can you recall the last time you felt something like that?  I do.

You see, listening is not just hearing the words people utter. If that's all there was to it, we probably don't deserve to be human. 

It involves not just accurately "hearing" what people say, but "listening" and getting a sense of who they are, how they view life, what they want to accomplish, what concerns they have, their fears, how they are feeling etc.

It even involves "listening" with respect to what they aren't saying directly to your face.  That's call reading between the lines - something I have yet to master well. 

I will make it one of my new year resolutions for 2011 - making people around me feel like a million starting from today.  It shouldn't be that hard, right?

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