Wednesday 3 March 2010

RH Arrested, Suspected of Murder

Relative Humidity (RH) has been arrested this morning in connection to the murder of a 3-year old Air-conditioning Unit, injuring a 6-year old Television set and assaulting a Body Fat Scale which is merely a year old.  

Last month was unusually humid in Hong Kong, with the prevailing RH averaged at 88%, the highest since 1959, 10% above the norm.  

RH, who allegedly attempt murdering the victims, told the police many home electronic appliances have humidity specifications, say from 5 to 95%.  At the top end of the spectrum is when moisture may increase the conductivity of permeable insulator, leading to malfunction.  

"A dehumidifier could just be your solution to combat this weather," said Inspector Mould. 

While I was trying to take Inspector Mould's advice, I read this article on today's paper.

So the whole town is after these.  Perfect isn't it?

1 comment:

BY said...

I L-O-V-E your approach to this blog entry... very entertaining. Keep it coming, girl!