Sunday 14 March 2010

A Pet or Baby Stroller?

Paid a visit to the SPCA, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals a few days earlier and I overheard a conversation by a young couple comparing a dog to someone’s baby, which I thought was rather inappropriate. 

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE dogs and cats. The beloved dog I had in high school didn’t die 15 years later and losing him felt like losing a dear member of the family.

If someone you know are having trouble telling the difference between raising a pet and a baby, here is a crispy distinction I learnt from all those magnificent parents I know on earth.

If it brings you happiness, joy, and maybe even your slippers, it is probably a dog.

If it brings you happiness, joy, grey hair, and a touch of insanity, it is probably a child.

Salute to all my friends who are brave enough to be life-long committed mothers and fathers.

1 comment:

BY said...

Well said! I have nothing against dogs or cats, though I can't say I'm a great fan of them. But likewise, I'm also not a great fan of babies. But it irritates the hell out of me when I hear people asking couples who don't have babies (or don't want to have babies) if they would consider having a dog instead. Goodness! I've been asked that before, okie?!