Saturday 21 August 2010

A Font That's Truly Yours

Can you still recall some of your mates' handwriting back in your school days?

I remembered some of mine were envy of the crowd who possessed the most neat and recognizable copybook style of writing, while some, on the contrary, carried a very recognizable flair. 

Whatever style you have, it's unique and says a lot about you.  Despite the widespread use of word processing and emailing, there are still instances where you'd prefer to deliver or receive a hand-written note isn't it?

Pilot - the pen maker has come up with something really wicked - an app which I think ought to have come out a long time ago.  They have a free web service that can transform your own handwriting into a font you can use to send out personalized emails.

I guess apart from your old schoolmates, none of your friends who you came to know in recent years would have seen your scribbling. 

Take a look at this short video which shows you how to actually go about it. You'd love it. 


Anonymous said...

So cool! I loved it, if only I have a nice handwriting. All the years of typing has handicapped my handwriting. It's beyond ugly.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! (maybe I need to get out more...) but this is so cool!! ;)