Tuesday 1 June 2010

Vocabulary Deficiency

I was given an opportunity to learn French, Spanish or Latin as a hobby when I was young.  

I thought to myself, why would I want to master French when the French knows how to speak English anyway? 

Spanish stays mainly in Spain (and S.America), so I thought...I won't bother with that.   

I battled for a little while in Latin.

Realised soon enough that I really shouldn't waste time on a language hardly anyone speaks unless...I want to be a scientist, a Botanist, Zoologist or a Catholic Priest! 

Has it ever occurred to you that you wish you could order wine like a Frenchman or pasta like a true Italian though?

If you come across any crash courses that teach you how to pronounce the French on the menus of ethnic restaurants, or help us crack the Italian words in deciphering a recipe.  Let me hear them!


Anonymous said...

it got nothing to do with food... but I can tell you how to say "I Love You" in several languages! ;)

Aud said...

Very sweet whoever said that...but i think i can master a few myself too!

Anonymous said...

I used to carry little phrase book when I travelled to France and that helped me got through the menu pretty easily. At least I know what I'm ordering. Is a beef or fish or chicken?but I won't figure out how it was prepared though :-)