Tuesday 15 June 2010

Are You Too Rigid?

Had an absolutely decadent meal with friends today and like all things, one would want to finish on a high note and ordering dessert or simply just a coffee would do justice in wrapping it up nicely.

Glancing from the menu though, an exotic drink wasn't what I had in mind, nor do I want the traditional Vietnamese coffee, which I knew it will be good but I was also aware that it will take forever to drip to perfection (and I didn't have time for that). 

As I was on the verge of giving up and decided to grab a cuppa from Starbucks next door, my friend suggested we ask if they serve some other coffees in there. 

"But I can't see anything else on the menu" I muttered. 

I was teased on the spot for a rigid assumption I made.  My defense: If we can order something OUTSIDE the menu, why would restaurant bother providing us with a menu in the first place?  Say if we find yellow curry a tad too mild and red curry a notch too spicy, does it mean we can order something in between say an "Orange Curry" perhaps?

Turned out, they were able to bring us 3 immaculate cups of Latte / Cappuccino. 

So much for the satisfaction (thanks to Ann), I reflected on the moral of the story: You don't ask, you don't get. 

It was just very natural for my friends to ask but it didn't even strike me the slightest to do so.  I am never the type afraid of asking questions.  The question is - am I too uptight?

I think I am neither extremely exacting nor terribly easygoing.  

Still, just as people are classified as introvert or extrovert, submissive or dominant, people should also be categorised as rigid or flexible.

I can't really associate myself with the word "docile" in any sort of dimensions, so....certified as "rigid" I am then.

For those who know me, what's your take on me?


Anonymous said...

The self-reflect part is what I say you are uptight with. Relax, everyone has a bit of both.

Anonymous said...

I would say you are an extrovert but submissive and pretty flexible person! ;)