Friday 25 June 2010

A Decade In Two Carton Boxes

After 10 years in this office, it took me 2 full days of tidying up, throwing away tonnes of piles and files, to come up with these 2 carton boxes left of my belongings.  

Heaven forbid I haven't thrown anything out that I might need it someday!

On my last day here and as I exit the office, I would like to thank all the people I have worked with previously.  Working in this office has never seemed like work really, but instead, a friendly yet challenging mental exercise among people I enjoy. 

It has definitely been a fortunate situation for me in the last decade and that most people, who see work as a pain in the butt, would not be able to share my gratitude.  

I do, however, hope you can find the beauty of work no matter how tough it is for you.  Remembering, work only is just a fraction of your life really.  


Anonymous said...

End of an era... beginning of the next.
All the best!

kammy.leung said...

Wow, 10 years in the same place. So, I'm not an odd one out then!
BTW, it's also "a decade in two carton boxes" when I left my previous company...