Thursday 1 September 2011

Have You Had Horrible Bosses?

Went to watch Horrible Bosses and this is one of those movies that you knew it is going to be absolutely cracking funny for the stated subject matter.  Perfect material after a long day and I was really in for a good laugh.

I haven't had that many bosses in my life and fortunate enough not to have come across a Psycho, Man-eater or some really trashy ones (touch wood, not yet).   But let's just say you do.  I mean, do you really go plot a plan to "take them out" when they are standing in the way of your happiness? 

The movie was a bit over the top - outrageously.   The good thing is, you began to think your bosses aren't that bad after all.  I do have faith that there are lots of really good bosses around.  

Take a look at Fortune - they have an annual survey that lists the "Best 100 companies to be working for".  You pick samples of those companies and you will find one thing in common:  They spend less time focusing narrowly on quarterly profits, and more time thinking about how they can improve people's lives.

I'd certainly hope to see the company I am working for, make it to the list one day.

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