Monday 26 September 2011

Shooting Arrows In Life

My friend practises archery and I on the other hand, have scored ultra high in Wii Sports Resort, but have never tried picking up a real arrow nor a bow at all.   He was explaining to us about the basics of shooting arrows (the real ones), the stance, the technique, the pulling back, the letting go.

He said the letting go should be the most important bit - the energy, the focus and the goal are there but it is in letting go that the arrow reaches its target.

What he was saying was the need to focus intently, but to focus on the path and not on the destination!   

Such an ironic theory that was. 

I went home and thought about what he really meant.  A lot of the times we all failed in some aspects in life because we tried too hard in taking aim and totally missed out the point about perfecting the shot. 

No practical skills attained in that archery lecture after all, but the concept itself warranted a blog post here because I have one crucial pearl of wisdom to share - an achiever seizes more from life only when he or she has mastered the hang of - letting go. 

Pretty amazing what I can pick up from shooting some arrows!  I hope you do too. 

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