Thursday 8 September 2011

Fake iPhone (5)??

Some of the counterfeit gadgets and knockoffs one can find on the streets of Beijing are truly astounding.

It often doesn’t take too long for Apple to release a product before images of home-grown imitators start making the rounds.  In some cases, such as the iPhones or iPads, counterfeiters got to work well before the device was even released.

Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting you herewith hiPhone 5.

Unlike the actual product from Apple, the hiPhone can accommodate two SIM cards and has a built-in radio receiver - all for the miraculously low price of about US$78.00 only. 

Even they look bulky and incredibly ancient, you will be surprised how many would believe it to be an iPhone 5, went and bought it.

Welcome to China, buddy.  They sell like hot cakes in here. 
You interested?

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