Monday 7 February 2011

Word Of The Day: Dermatoglyphics

People have been studying each others' palms and hands for centuries and many cultures have a history of believing that the features on our hands can provide insights into our character or tell something about where our future leads.

Recently, I came across a science named Dermatoglyphics, which takes a more scientific approach and I shall tell you why's that. 

At first I was wondering if it is similar to palm reading but after reading through some articles, I realised that no, it isn't, because the lines on our palm change throughout our lives whereas are fingerprints are formed even before we are born (and they never change).  In fact they typically outlast us. More importantly, their formation is dictated by chromosome genes and that is why they can be reliably used for fields like medicine and criminology.

A Dermatoglyphicist (if such a word exists) studies the whorls, loops and arches in the fingertips, palms of the hand and the soles of the feet in order to analyse and determine one's personality type, unique learning style, strengths and weaknesses and their intrinsic potential of the brain.

Like any other psychometric tools of course, I believe there is no 100% accuracy, but this one certainly sounds interesting enough to explore further.  


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