Thursday 17 February 2011


Over time, you realised that many relationships fail apart, often because one person cares more than the other and that unrequited love can be rather depressing, leading to a whole lot of heartbreaking.

It probably started in college back then, where you have clung onto that one-sided relationship for as long as you can breathe, so convinced that he would finally change his mind and appreciate you were MFEO (made for each other). 

That never happened and that incident also became one of the relationship “life lessons” you learn when you were 18 and when - you have watched "Sleepless in Seattle" one too many times!

You moved on and learned not to bestow a lot of love and awesomeness on anybody.  Until one day, you came across real-life examples of people you know, who within a few weeks of meeting each another, decided they were meant to spend the rest of their lives together and got married.  Some say they are crazy, some say this is destiny. 

Then on, you started to have more grounds in believing the existence of MFEO, only to be let down once again soon after you heard unfortunate news of your friends who told you they just got divorced. 

So...Where do you go from here and what life lesson have we learnt this time?

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