Saturday 9 July 2011

What Does My Name Convey?

Talking about English names in my previous two posts, I actually must thank my mom for picking "Audrey" as my English name - proud and loud.

Many, who would immediately associate the name to the classy, elegant and beautiful actress Audrey Hepburn, will be vastly disappointed should they want to find the same visual quality in me.

I learned from young age that idealized delusions of the past won't help shape me and so I am more than happy being named Audrey as who I am and stay absolutely cool when someone says,  "You don't look like an Audrey at all."

And you can't really blame these people when googling images of "Audrey" gives you about 15,500,000 results of Hepburn in 0.05 seconds! 

So we knew Audrey is not likely to be a CEO (according to LinkedIn), but how exactly should an Audrey come across? 

This is 's take on the name:

  • Your name of Audrey creates a passive, friendly, easy-going nature, but your desire for sociability and the pleasant things in life makes you too easily influenced through your associations.
  • You are too generous and if appealed to will give all you have because you find it difficult to say "no" and mean it.
  • You do not like to create tension or friction and will try various means to avoid such situations.
  • You are very idealistic.
  • You have imagination and many ideas but lack the ambition and drive necessary to accomplish your undertakings.
  • Although the name Audrey creates idealism and the urge to help others, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions.
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the nervous and fluid systems.

Okay, either my mother picked a wrong name for me, or this website is totally crap. 

Feel free to have a go at yours!  

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