Monday 25 July 2011

A Little Business Etiquette Is Too Much To Ask For

On one occasion like today, I had simultaneously three meetings to attend.  What would you do to prevent situations like that?  Would you try to prioritise and reschedule?  Or would you do what airlines do - overbook to compensate for no-shows? 

It is a no brainer for me - you wouldn't find double-bookings in my calendar at any time because if you are warranted a meeting with me, you get my full attention - as simple as that.  If for any reasons I can't make it, I let you know with the longest notice I could possibly give you. 

I have had to wait for someone who entered into the room fashionably late today for a meeting with me.  I got an apology - not for eating 35 minutes into our first meeting, but the honesty of admitting he has forgotten about this appointment entirely.  

Off to an unpunctual start but I must say, I like his honesty. 

Throughout the meeting, I can see that he's a man of great vision, simply judging by how unprepared he was in his stance.  He must also be a man with exceptional multi-tasking ability in order to take in what I had to say while replying emails on his laptop with his eyes constantly referring back to the screen.

His admin probably won't lose her job for not influencing her boss' punctuality .  It's his that I am worried. 

Or may be it's just me.

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