Monday 4 July 2011

May Be There Are A Thing Or Two To Learn From Dad

At one point in life, I have gotten very angry at my father for not being what I thought he should have been.  He was just never there and when he was, he was drunken, mad and irrational.   My classmates and relatives all seem to have fathers who were more caring and fatherly and I just thought why didn't I deserve better?

My friend has just lost his dad and she has a sick mother to look after.  She basically is petrified.  We met recently after she has gone through the various stages of grievances and god, she looks like she has been through hell.  I was really thankful that she was the one who did most of the talking when we met, not because I didn't know what was appropriate to say to her, but she has shown me a way of life.

All these years of resentments, I came to realise my very own father did the best he could with the tools that he had to work with.   I mean if the old man before me did things that were right then hopefully I should pick up those traits.  If he did things that I knew so well that were wrong, I sure need to learn not to do those, right?  

In other words, learning from my dad’s mistakes has helped me upgrade the “set of tools” that I can use to do my best in life.

I hope it's not too late to accept my father for who he is, has enabled me to become a person that I truly want to be and simply because I don't need a better reason to do so - he is my father.

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