Thursday 14 July 2011

The End Of An Era

As Harry Potter’s beloved professor Dumbledore tells him in a dream-like sequence as the movie gears up for its big finish: “Of course it’s happening inside your head.  That doesn’t mean it isn’t real.”

Yes, we knew the wizardry isn't real, but it has been with us all these years, watched each movie as they came out onto the big screen and it very much felt as if we became part of Hogwarts. 

It is interesting to look back at this whole journey and hard to believe that it has finally come to an end.  And if you are like me - who have not read any of the books but have watched all the movies, all questions were answered in this film and for that, I think this film went way above my expectations.  Unlike Part 1 where the film seems to drag at parts, this one starts and ends before you can even blink.

Feeling deadly hollowing, what would be life after Hogwarts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you haven't read the books!! The movies are definitely good but the books offer even more!!

For someone who really doesn't read that much, all MT members had read all seven books! ;)

You are right about the last movie, we really like the fact that there were several moments where everyone laughed/hold their breath together in the whole cinema!

Start reading! ;)